What is The Illuminati?


What is the Illuminati?

You’ve probably heard the word, “Illuminati.” Maybe, like I did not long ago, you’ve disregarded the concept, thinking it was a myth, something made up by conspiracy theorists.

Through my research about what was happening within the church, I have discovered that the Illuminati really do exist, and are EXTREMELY powerful. They consist of a group of people, “the elites,” who actually control this world.

Of course, God is in control: he always was and always will be, and he knows all about the Illuminati and their plans.

The following video teaching by Amir Tsarfati, explains in depth, the rise of the Illuminati and their goal to rule the world.



You have no need to be afraid. Give your life to Jesus, and let him be your Lord and Saviour.

If you sincerely want to do this, here is a prayer you can say:

Dear Jesus, I am a sinner, and I need you. I thank you for going to the cross to die for me, and for rising again.

I am sorry for everything I have ever done wrong, and I ask you to please wash me clean. I ask you to come into my life to be my Lord and saviour, and I surrender to You.

Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and make me whole. Help me to trust you; help me to love you; help me to live for you. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen


Whenever we do wrong after this, we need to say we’re sorry and ask for his forgiveness. We need to ask Jesus to help us to change.

Talk to him every day, and listen to him, as he wants to talk to you!

Get a bible: I suggest you begin by reading the Gospels and the Psalms. This will help you to get to know God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you.

Jesus doesn’t promise to make life perfect, in fact there may be more hardship and suffering in following him, but he does promise to give us a purpose and a future: a reason to live!


For more, see this post.

Please let me know, in the comments below, if you have given your life to Jesus, so I can pray for you.

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